Sunday, August 30, 2009


hey peoples...
sory for the late update. im too tired uh...
yesterdae the ncc cadet go near marina or beach road to kayak.
it was so hot that we all had sunburn. it felt so terrible. we learn new skills like capsizing, rowing the kayak with skills and many more. it was so tiring that when otw back to school, i felt a sleep in the bus
hahahh!!! then rahman nothng to do, he went around taking pictures of the rest when they are a sleep. haha. the next day, the wether was fine. but during the course, it rain cat and dogs. i felt really damn cold. we do the rescue and bailing out the water out from the kayak. fuh so tired sia! cannot tahan..hahah. otw bck everybody (i think) slept in the bus. so cold and so tired. at last reaches the school. haha. go home and take a short bath. hahah. i am so happy that i have a new lappy..hehehe. it is so cute and so light.ahhaha.
kk gtg
bb peeps!!!!

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